Bonares, a Local Action Plan in the framework of Agenda 2030
The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are 17 interconnected goals designed to be a «blueprint for achieving a better and more sustainable future for all». The SDGs were established in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by 2030 (Agenda 2030).
The Municipality of Bonares, as local authorities interested in achieving these goals, together with Coopinte, participated in a process of locating and generating strategies to achieve the SDGs, with specific technical assistance and support from FAMSI (Andalusian Fund of Municipalities for International Solidarity).
Similarly, through the GRAPE project, in which Coopinte and the Municipality of Bonares also took part, it aimed at a green and digital socio-ecological transition by carrying out a participatory, collaborative and co-creative process in the search for a Local Action Plan to make it possible through the social economy, thus also contributing to the achievement of the SDGs of Agenda 2030.
People, prosperity, planet
This process highlighted the participatory culture of Bonares through its associative tissue, which, in one of GRAPE‘s actions was brought together in the municipal library in a “future’s laboratory” to define present challenges and design the future of the city in terms of sustainability, analyzing together strengths and weaknesses in order to achieve a better Bonares.
All the project partners, who come from small territories in Italy (Mirabella Imbaccari and Malegno), Greece (Sifnos) and Spain (Bonares), exchanged experiences to carry out a collaborative learning process with the goal of developing a Local Action Plan.
The Bonares Local Action Plan was articulated following the general framework of Agenda 2030. In this sense, actions were grouped according to the axes: people, prosperity and planet.
Regarding the People axis, the Plan focused on two areas, one related to mobility and the other to capacity building to adapt citizens to an increasingly technological world.
As for the Prosperity axis, the focus has been on what has an impact on issues related to the socio-economic development of the territory. The SWOT analysis and meetings showed economic problems, so the actions are aimed at diversifying business sectors, focusing on the potential of tourism and modernization of the agribusiness sector.
The Planet axis refers to environmental sustainability actions. In this case, the objectives identified were mitigating climate change and choosing new energy sources. In addition, the promotion of Energy Communities is an issue of specific interest.
This document reflects the views only of the Author and the GRAPE Consortium. The Commission cannot be held responsible for any use wich may be made of the information contained therein.