Green bioplastics enter school. UNIME at the Minutoli Institute of Messina

Reuse of bEer SpenT grAin
foR bioplasTics

Italian United Kingdom

Green bioplastic caps and pots made from the waste brewing brewers of Birrificio Messina, a successful reality in the Sicilian capital. Waste that becomes a resource, that does not pollute, that produces sustainable development in small and large cities, also because it is oriented to support the most exposed, most fragile people, and to protect the environment. And this is thanks to research, innovation, the interweaving of skills, diverse and integrated, from different parts of Italy, that produce the future. Starting with Messina and the Messina area.

This was discussed with the final year classes of the Minutoli High School, which invited UNIME to present the LIFE RESTART project, co-financed by the European Union under the LIFE program and in which the University of Messina, with its Department of Engineering is a partner.

In an atmosphere of great attention and curiosity on the part of the faculty and students of the Institute, which also has active two courses, one in Environmental Biotechnology and one in Health Biotechnology, very much related to these topics, Professor AnnaMaria Visco, associate professor of Materials Science and Technology and scientific head of the project for the University, and Dr. Cristina Scolaro, UNIME research fellow in the LIFE RESTART project, explained the basic outlines and prospects of the work that has now been underway for almost a year and a half and is achieving remarkable results that have aroused the interest of the university and manufacturing world even at the international level.

Meeting young people and reasoning together on these issues – comments Prof. Visco – is important to train them, accustom them and introduce them to the challenges posed to us by the protection of the environment, which is seriously compromised by economic interests. But also to stimulate them to do, and to do here. By staying to study in our territory, where there are realities capable of developing projects of this kind and limiting the flow of migration abroad or to the North of our country.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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