Rootedness, ability to reinvent new ways of production and consumption, creating new jobs: these are the characteristics of the 30 selected social economy enterprises of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes

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Italian United Kingdom France Spain

As part of the SOFIGREEN project, 30 social enterprises in the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region have been selected to embark on a path of transformation towards greater environmental sustainability. The project is based on a strong local network, bringing together partners such as La NEF, France Active, CRESS AURA, La FabT, Le Moulin Digital, URSCOP, Ronalpia and Le 104, all united in supporting social economy enterprises.

Selection process: a collaborative effort

The selection of these 30 companies, from different sectors and of different sizes, was no mean feat. The process was chaired by Archer and carried out in collaboration with our regional partners, who provided a 360-degree view of each application. This collective approach brought together a wide range of expertise to ensure the selection of the most promising and high-impact facilities. To ensure the objectivity of the selection, each candidate company was assigned a point system based on criteria such as ecological ambition, territorial impact and feasibility of the business model. The same selection criteria were used in Italy and Spain to ensure the overall coherence of the SOFIGREEN project.

A wide range of sectors and a strong local presence

The 30 selected companies represent a wide range of business sectors, reflecting the diversity and richness of the regional economic fabric. Here are some examples of the sectors represented:

  • Social and professional integration: these companies, often long-standing, promote social integration by creating jobs and training people in need;Culture and art: these cultural initiatives innovate to incorporate sustainable practices while promoting local artistic heritage;
  • Short distribution channels: the green transition also involves sustainable agriculture and local food systems, with companies developing local distribution channels;
  • Sustainable housing: innovative solutions for green building and sustainable housing development are emerging, responding to housing challenges;
  • Green energy: some projects focus on 100% renewable energy production and distribution, directly contributing to reducing the region’s carbon footprint.

What unites these initiatives, beyond their sectors, is their local roots and their ability to transform the region in the long term, creating jobs, reinventing production and consumption methods and improving the quality of life of local residents.

An ambitious path to the future

The SOFIGREEN programme is characterised by the intensive support it offers. Each company will receive tailor-made support, from assessing its environmental impact to identifying strategies to make its business model sustainable. The ultimate goal is to turn these facilities into engines of green transformation, capable of meeting the economic, social and ecological challenges of tomorrow. We look forward to following and sharing their progress in the coming months.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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