The whole ASC is considered a best practice at national and international level thanks to its expertise in local sustainable, inclusive, and participatory development. For instances, it has been acknowledged by:
- the OECD under the LEED Programme;
- the UNDP under the ART Initiative, a global programme that promotes sustainable human development at the local level (which has translated the experience of the Foundation in a Policy Guideline for Local and Regional Governments, as “this model of Community Foundation provides articulated and cross-sectoral responses to the community’s need by acknowledging the multidimensionality of wellbeing and territorial development.”);
- the Global Alliance for Banking on Values (GABV), which selected the experience of the Foundation in its “Change Makers – The Stories Behind the Values Based Banks Transforming the World” volume;
- the European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks (FEBEA), which selected the experience of the Foundation in its “Atlas of job creation – good practices for social inclusion”.