
Gaetano Giunta

He holds a bachelor’s and a PhD in physics. He was councillor for social policies of the city of Messina in the 90’s and was directly involved in the creation and development of the local social economy cluster (Advanced Social Cluster): he was a founding member of several social economy organizations (social cooperatives, foundations, social enterprises, etc.) and in 2010 he was one of the founders of the Foundation, becoming its Secretary General, a role he maintained until 2022. He has 27 scientific publications in the field of thermodynamics and 20 publications on socio-economic issues. He is directly involved in the design and delivery of all the development policies promoted by the Foundation, including the business support services. Today he is head of development of the Strategic Plan and of national and international networking of the Foundation.

Giacomo Pinaffo

He holds a degree in Business Economics and a Master’s in Economics of Local Development, both with maximum grade. He has focused his entire career of study and work on the social economy sector. He attended a specialization training in project management and was project manager for the Presidency Office in FEBEA (European Federation of Ethical and Alternative Banks) and in SEFEA (financial cooperative, FEBEA instrument), coordinating also several EU-funded project. He was also Impact Manager at SEFEA IMPACT (Asset Management Company dedicated to impact investing strategies). Since the beginning of 2020 he is project and networks manager at the Community Foundation. Since November 2022 he is also Secretary General of the Foundation.

Rainer Schlueter

He graduated in Business Administration in Brussels. Secretary General of CECOP (European confederation of industrial and service cooperatives), then Director of Cooperatives Europe and the International Cooperative Alliance, he has dedicated his entire career to the development of the Social Economy at European and international level. He was an EU and OECD expert on social entrepreneurship and has been directly engaged in social economy cluster development in Belgium, France, Italy and Madagascar. Experienced as trainer and teacher at University and long-life learning level. Since the end of 2018 he works as project and networks manager at the Foundation.

Maria De Cola

She holds a bachelor in political science and a master degree in Sociology and social research. She has joined Me.S.S.In.A. Foundation in 2015, dealing mainly with administrative and accountability activities.

Giacomo Farina

Musician and event manager. Artistic and technical director of several national and international festivals organised in Sicily and Calabria. Founder and executive producer of several cultural association and art promotion companies. In the Me.S.S.In.A. Foundation he is manager of all artistic and promotional events and is engaged in the communication and dissemination activities.

Andrea Giunta

He graduated in Computer Science with a grade of 107/110 at the University of Messina. He worked as a web developer for Fincons Group s.p.a. in Rome in 2019 having had beforehand a high-level training with Umana S.P.A. in Milan. Afterwards he collaborated with Smartme. He also has a scientific publication.

Fabrizia Bagozzi

Senior Press officer and head of Institutional Communication of the Foundation. Journalist and writer. She worked on tv with the best italian journalists and wrote for newspaper Europa  for 15 years. She also wrote for Corriere della Sera. Expertise in politics and social matter.

Maria Lucia Oliveri

Communication officer. Graduated in Law and specialized in Marketing, Communication and Digital Strategy with a master’s degree from 24ore Business School in Rome. She is in charge of the social communication of the DSE and collaborates in promote and disseminate its scientific, cultural and artistic productions; the projects (national and European) in which it is involved and manages website and social media accounts.

Liliana Leone

Consultant for public bodies and Third sector organizations dealing with research, monitoring and evaluation of programs. From 2002 up to date she has been director of CEVAS Center of Research and Evaluation (RM). She holds a master’s degree in psychology and a PhD about a new approach of evidence synthesis. Her professional background includes welfare and public-health policies, social innovation, local sustainable development, urban regeneration, labour market policies, health promotion, social inclusion, youth policies, education, crime prevention and legality. Expert in impact evaluation of complex multi-sectoral interventions, quantitative and qualitative methods of research, theory-driven approaches, systematic review (e.g., Realist Synthesis), and evaluation capacity building. She has been teaching as a contract professor from 2002 to 2009 at the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’ (Faculty of Sociology) and published about 50 peer reviewed research papers and books with ISBN.

Anita Magno

Graduated in Languages, Cultures and Institutions of Mediterranean and Islamic Countries from Orientale University in Naples. She is an editor, educator and social worker. For the MeSSInA Foundation she is in charge of the financial administration, logistics and organization of educational projects, socio-cultural events, festivals and initiatives in the DSE places.

Luigi Bizzini

Superior Technician for the Promotion of Social Integration. He gained experience in coordinating, monitoring and evaluating social projects working together the inter-institutional network created by MeSSInA Foundation, INCONTROcorrente Foundation and Caritas of Caltagirone. In Mirabella Imbaccari at Palazzo Biscari (owned by the Foundation since 2014) he has been involved in coordinating projects against emerging poverty, contributing to create an educational and research infrastructure on the legality and the fight against mafias issue. He is accredited to the national register of the Department of Youth Policy and the Department of Universal Civil Service in the role of selection, training and monitoring of Volunteer Workers in Caritas Civil Service projects, dealing with assistance to adult distress and promotion of cultural education of minors. Expert for the functional area of delivery in Work Orientation activities.


14 Febbraio 2025

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