Crossing at London Food Week and possible market applications

Reuse of bEer SpenT grAin
foR bioplasTics

Italian United Kingdom

Professor Valentina Beghetto presented for Crossing srl the LIFE RESTART  project at the World Conference on Food Science and Technology organized by People Events, which this year was held in London between August 19 and 21, 2024. Beghetto developed a paper (Agrifood waste valorization for bioplastic composites and high value chemicals) focused on the revalorization of agroindustry by-products and the creation of a food sector supply chain based on the principles of circular economy and environmental and social sustainability.

Cutting-edge solutions

The event brings together more than two hundred leaders to create opportunities for contact and collaboration among scientists, engineers, technologists, policy makers, and companies from the food sector and related areas, with the goal of enhancing the adoption of specific new technologies while showcasing cutting-edge solutions and innovations. Supporting the further development of food science and technology promotes the production of sustainable, healthy and safe food for all.

Between challenges and new partners

In this second edition, in addition to the main stage and speeches by various experts in the field, breakout sessions were organized for more in-depth and interactive conversations, and participants and speakers were given the opportunity to meet dozens of entrepreneurs in a special area called the “Start-Up Arena” and participate in the Taste Lab to try out new cutting-edge products in the field of food technology. Through in-depth sessions, workshops, networking, and interactive showcases, the most important challenges facing the industry at this stage were addressed.

The conference was a valuable opportunity to find new partners interested in LIFE RESTART (such as, Sipport Ltd, Food Science Fusion Ltd.) with whom Crossing is currently discussing possible market applications.


Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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