Participation and holistic approach. Medwaves leds the co-design of Capacity-Building training

Reuse of bEer SpenT grAin
foR bioplasTics

Italian United Kingdom France Spain

The Capacity-Building initiative led by Medwaves is characterized by a comprehensive approach to promote the growth and sustainability of small enterprises in the social economy, whether start-up or at growthstage, and consists of a few fundamental steps designed specifically to empower them. MedWaves has an extensive experience in the design of capacity building methodologies to boost sustainable entrepreneurship. Those adopted under SOFIGREEN are based on the Switchers Support Program, but also on relevant tools and methods from other partners, such as Archer‘s La boussole which integrate the social and territorial dimensions.

The first step involves the co-creation of a targeted training program aimed at equipping SSEEs with essential skills to greening their business models and enhancing their access to finance, helping them raise the necessary funds to become businesses at the forefront of social, environmental and economic sustainability. 

Participative methodologies

This program goes beyond mere skill development, using participatory methodologies to delve into areas such as self-assessment, financial planning, access to funding, and collaborative strategies. The objective is to empower SSEEs to navigate the complex landscape of sustainable entrepreneurship, enabling them to make informed decisions and foster synergies with other entities.

The second step of the initiative involves the implementation of two capacity-building training courses tailored specifically for startups and growing enterprises. These courses are not only educational but are also geared towards practical application, providing participants with hands-on experience and real-world insights. The selection process for participation will take place by the end of Spring, ensuring that a minimum of 90 SSEEs from Spain, France and Italy benefit from these courses that will run from September 2024 to January 2025. A training of trainers will take place to translate the SOFIGREEN training guidelines into methodologies that can be adapted to the local context.

Between financial support and coaching

Later a crucial phase unfolds where at least 60 out of 90 SSEEs receive additional financial support and coaching. This targeted assistance aims to elevate the readiness of these enterprises for investment, a pivotal step in their growth trajectory. Moreover, the coaching extends beyond financial aspects, encompassing a holistic approach to sustainability. The goal is to instill a robust foundation that fosters long-term success and resilience in the ever-evolving business landscape.

An Innovative Fund

The consortium overseeing the project is committed to designing financial instruments specifically tailored to the unique needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). This approach recognizes the diverse challenges faced by SMEs and seeks to provide customized solutions that align with their operational requirements.

Furthermore, the initiative takes a bold step by introducing a Venture Philanthropy Fund. This fund is positioned as an impulse for sustainable growth, aiming to provide financial support to enterprises that align with socially responsible and environmentally conscious practices. By establishing this fund, the consortium demonstrates a commitment not only to economic development but also to ethical business practices.

The impact of this initiative extends beyond individual enterprises, creating an effect in the business ecosystem, fostering collaboration, innovation, and sustainable practices. The success stories emerging from the SSEEs and startups benefiting SOFIGREEN are likely to be a guide to others, creating a positive feedback loop that contributes to the overall economic development of the regions involved.

In conclusion, through a combination of capacity-building courses, financial support, and the establishment of a Venture Philanthropy Fund, the initiative sets the stage for transformative change in the entrepreneurial landscape. By helping enterprises with the necessary tools and resources, this initiative not only enhances their individual prospects but also contributes to the creation of a sustainable business ecosystem.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the authors only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

News and Updates

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