Green design with LIFE RESTART bioplastics at Expo Arte Messina 2024
Reuse of bEer SpenT
foR bioplasTics

On the occasion of Expo Arte Messina 2024, a major cultural event of art, design, architecture, theatre, painting, sculpture and music, UNIME and EcosMed were invited to exhibit the design objects made from recycled material, i.e. the prototypes of the research they are conducting as part of the LIFE RESTART project.
UNIME and EcosMed thus contributed to the exhibition “Around women the reuse and transformation of matter”, which opened on Tuesday 22 October at the Monte di Pietà in Messina and runs until 27 October.
In addition, on 26 October, professor Annamaria Visco, UNIME Department of Engineering, the University’s scientific officer for the project, and Marco Giunta of EcosMed Cooperativa Sociale,were invited to speak, again at Monte di Pietà in Messina, on the “Recovery of agro-food waste and the creation of 100% green bio-composites” during the talk “Design of yesteryear” organised by the Architecture and Engineering Section of Messina.
Here, Professor Anna Maria Visco illustrated the technical aspects of the research on the recycling of Birrificio Messina’s waste grains for the production of green bioplastics.
EcosMed, which will manage the “Zero Factory” in Roccavaldina (Me), described the meaning and work of the Factory as well as the local development project, sustainable and attentive to the most fragile people, which is at its core.
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.